by misspengwin | May 24, 2022 | entrepreneur, freelancing, networking, working at home
Why you may want to switch it up and why you want a mobile office setup. For one thing, working for yourself, from home, some people end up feeling very isolated and even bored. This might especially be true in the early days of building your location- and...
by misspengwin | Dec 1, 2021 | freelancing, entrepreneur, goals
You may think you don’t have time for the things that you need to do, much less for the things you want to do. But the truth is, you make time for what’s important. This line either resonated with you or made you feel as if you were stabbed by a knife. If you tend...
by misspengwin | Nov 17, 2021 | email marketing, freelancing
Did you know that smart people have studied the idea of time and work to come up with a law that you should know about? It’s called Parkinson’s Law and essentially states: “…Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” Now, sure, some things do take a...
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