How to Be Productive Working at Home

As convenient and beneficial as working from home can be, it can also prove to be damaging to productivity. 

The trouble is, up until now, you’ve associated your home as a space for relaxing.

So, it can be difficult switching to a more productive mindset when you’re in the comfort of your home. 

The good news is, there are ways to boost your productivity when remote working. Here, you’ll discover some of the best ways to stay productive when working at home.


Establish Your Workspace

You’re going to find it hard to stay productive if you don’t have an established work space. So, before you start, take time to establish an “office” and clean up the area you’re planning on working in.

It’s okay if you don’t already have a home office. Designate a space that is yours for working. It can be a small desk, part of your dining room table or a spot in the basement or attic.

The important step here is simply to find a space that can be DEDICATED for you to work in for the time being. If you decide working from home is something you want to continue doing long-term then setting up a home office is a worthwhile investment but, for now, focus on using what you already have.

Once you’ve established your space, get rid of any clutter and organize the space. The cleaner and tidier the space is, the easier you’ll find it to focus on your work and keep yourself organized.

Lastly, add a few personal touches to make the space feel like yours – a picture, a candle, a plant – whatever will make the space feel inviting to you each day.

Take Breaks 

Suddenly being cooped up in the house all day can be detrimental to productivity. It can also cause issues with low mood and leave you feeling less motivated to get through your workload. 

Taking regular breaks is important to both mood and productivity and making time to get outside can really give you the extra boost you may need during that afternoon slump. To learn more about the positive impact of breaks during your work day and some helpful tips on the most effective ways to recharge, check out this article published in Psychology Today.

Always Prepare For the Day

When you work outside the home, you know there’s things you need to do to get ready for the day. You have a routine which prepares you for work. However, when you start working from home you don’t really have that. 

Rather than thinking you can now work in your pajamas all day, make the effort to get dressed. Create a morning routine which sets you up for work. That way, you’ll find it much easier to stay productive if your mindset is geared towards work.

As you build your routine at home, remember to add in those breaks we mentioned above. Additionally, you will want to established a clear start and end time to you day to help keep balance between rest and work at home.

Utilize the Power of Nature

Did you know that plants and flowers can help you to feel more motivated? Adding them into your workspace can help to brighten up the working environment. Studies have shown that greenery has positive impact within an office environment. So, if you want an easy way to stay productive, add a few houseplants or flowers to your home office. If lighting is an issue, select a low-light plant such as a philodendron or ivy variety.  

You can also utilize the power of scent. In some countries, workplaces spray citrus scents to boost employee productivity. Pick up a small diffuser and try experimenting with different essential oils to see which helps you work more efficiently.

Staying productive when working at home isn’t always easy but it is doable. I’d love to hear some of your tips for how you maintain your productivity while working from home.

Oh…and if you are ready to make the jump to working from home your permanent lifestyle, check out the Beachpreneurs Virtual Beach Camp! You can attend this amazing virtual summit from the comfort of your own couch and be inspired by an incredible group of women who want to help you build the business and life you’ve imagined for yourself.