by misspengwin | Feb 1, 2022 | email marketing, entrepreneur, freelancing, virtual assistant, working at home
One way to generate money while you’re building a business that will work around your life is to start with a service-based business. Freelance service-based work is the fastest way to generate an income online or offline. In fact, if your main goal right now is to...
by misspengwin | Dec 14, 2021 | freelancing, email marketing, entrepreneur
Did you know that most of the time, 20 percent of your effort correlates to about 80 percent of the results that you get? Discovering the business-oriented actions that make the biggest impact for you means that you can do more of that and less of the things that...
by misspengwin | Nov 17, 2021 | email marketing, freelancing
Did you know that smart people have studied the idea of time and work to come up with a law that you should know about? It’s called Parkinson’s Law and essentially states: “…Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” Now, sure, some things do take a...
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