As an online marketer, I spend a lot of time and effort writing emails.
You email your list, you email your customers, you email affiliates, you email potential JV partners, the list goes on and on. In short, a big part of your online marketing efforts is writing emails.
It’s always been that way and it will continue to work that way.
Today I want to take a minute to briefly go over two different types of emails that I always send to my customers, and I think you should too.
Let’s see if you agree with me by the end of this blog post.
Email #1 – Request Feedback & Testimonials
I like to check in with my customers after a few days to make sure they were able to download the product ok and to see if they have any questions.
From there, it’s easy to transition into another follow up email about feedback and finally requesting a testimonial. I find that my customers are more than happy to provide feedback and suggest future improvements. Sometimes that results in an updated product, but more often than not it gives me ideas for additional products to launch in the future.
Now let’s talk about testimonials.
You know this type of social proof is important and good testimonials can greatly improve your sales conversions. It took me a while to learn this, but you can’t wait for people to just send you a testimonial out of the blue. You have to ask for it. The best way to do this is face to face.
The next best way is to ask for it via email.
Write up that email and send it out to your customers.
The responses you get back will make your day.

Email #2 – Invitation To Promote
A few days after asking my customers for feedback and testimonials, I like to invite them to my affiliate program. Depending on your niche, you may want to tweak the wording on this, but particularly in the business to business niche, it’s a no-brainer to try to turn your customers into affiliates.
This can work even if you don’t have an affiliate program. Simply ask your loyal customers to help you spread the word. In this age of social media, everyone has an online presence and the ability to send free traffic your way. Why not tap into that?
Of course this works even better with an affiliate program set up so you can pay your audience when they send new customers your way.
Do you agree with me?
Are these emails you’re already sending?
If not, I hope it’s something you consider adding to the mix.
Here’s a quick pro tip. You can create a simple little autoresponder series that goes out as soon as someone purchases your product.
You probably already have an email going out that delivers the product.
Why not add these two emails?
It automates the whole process and you only need to write these emails once but will benefit from them for months and years to come.
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Thanks, glad you like it.